How do I cancel a hold request?

If your hold is not yet ready for pickup ("Pending" or "Active" status on your holds list), you can cancel your hold through the website. 

To do so, follow these steps: 

  1. Navigate to our website at
  2. Log in by entering your library card number (found on the back of your card, beneath the barcode) and your PIN (by default, the last four digits of your phone number) into the login form on the upper right-hand corner, then clicking "Log In."
  3. Click on "Requests" on the left-hand side of the page.
  4. Press the checkbox next to the title(s) you would like to cancel.
  5. Click on "Cancel Selected." 

If your hold is already in "On Hold Shelf" status, you will not be able to cancel your hold through the website as it has already been physically set aside for you to pick up.

If you no longer need this item, please contact us to let us know. Provide your library card number, and a staff member will remove the hold from your account and send it on to the next person waiting in line.


  • Last Updated May 05, 2020
  • Views 123
  • Answered By Fable Mangold

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