How do I read magazines online?

If you have a Camarillo Public Library card, you can read magazines online using the Overdrive website (or the Libby app). Follow these steps to access the magazines: 

Overdrive Website:

  1. Navigate to the library's Overdrive page (you can also find this page by going to -> Explore -> eBooks and eAudio, then clicking on "Overdrive - eBooks, eAudiobooks, and other digital content").
  2. Click on the button in the upper right hand corner that says "Sign In".
  3. Select "Camarillo Public Library Patrons" from the drop-down menu.
  4. Input your library card number (found on the back of your card, beneath the barcode) and your four-digit PIN (by default the last four digits of your phone number unless you had it set to something different), then click "Sign In".
  5. Once you are logged in, click on "Magazines" up at the top of the page (beneath the "City of Camarillo Public Library" banner).
  6. Browse through the magazines until you find something you like, then click on the button that says "Borrow". 
  7. Follow the prompts onscreen to read the magazine in your browser.
  8. You can also use Overdrive's search function to search for a specific title if you already know what you want to read.  

Libby App: 

  1. Open the Libby app on your phone. 
  2. If this is your first time using the Libby app, you should be prompted to select your library ("Camarillo Public Library") and input your library card number (found on the back of your card, beneath the barcode) and four-digit PIN (by default the last four digits of your phone number unless you had it set to something different).
  3. To browse, tap on the icon at the bottom of the screen immediately to the left of the circular Libby logo. It should look somewhat like a library card.
  4. On the browsing screen, scroll down until you get to "Magazines," then tap on it.
  5. You can browse through the magazines by genre. When you find one you want, click on either the quick-borrow icon (it looks like a rectangle with a + symbol on the left edge) or the "Borrow" button.
  6. Follow the prompts on the screen to check your magazine out. For some titles, you will be given the option to subscribe and be notified when a new issue is released.
  7. You can then either immediately read the magazine by clicking on "Open Magazine," or continue looking for more by clicking "Keep Browsing".
  8. You can also use Libby's search function to search for a specific title if you already know what you would like to read.

If you have any trouble signing in or reading your magazines, please contact us. Library staff is available for phone support during our hours of operation.


  • Last Updated May 14, 2021
  • Views 69
  • Answered By Fable Mangold

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