How can I check out eBooks and eAudiobooks?
First, visit the eBooks and eAudiobooks page of our website.
Click on the link for the service you would like to use. We have subscriptions with multiple services to increase the number of titles available for you to borrow.
\You will need your library card number (found on the back of your card, beneath the barcode) and your four-digit PIN (by default the last four digits of your phone number, unless you had it set to something different) to access digital content.
- When using Hoopla, you will register for an account with them; they will have you use and email and a password of your choosing for the account, and you will enter your library card number and PIN at sign-up to verify that you have an account with the library. When you visit the Hoopla to borrow books, you will sign in using the email and password you register with them.
- When using Overdrive, you will log in using your library card number and PIN each time you wish to borrow books. If you download the Libby app (which is created by Overdrive) for your mobile device, you will typically only need to sign in once and it will store that information within your app.
- When using Enki Library, you will log in using your library card number and PIN each time you wish to borrow books.
If you have any trouble accessing eBooks or eAudiobooks, please contact us. Library staff is available for phone support during our hours of operation.