I accidentally returned a book to the wrong library. What should I do?

First, please contact the library you returned the item to in order to see if a staff member can locate the item. The sooner we are alerted to a potential problem, the sooner we can assist you.  


If you accidentally return a book from another library to Camarillo Public Library:  Library employees are not allowed to knowingly accept an item belonging to another library, but sometimes items from other libraries are mistakenly returned to our drop bins.

A staff member will check the area where we temporarily store books belonging to other libraries. If we are able to locate the item, we will set it aside so that you can pick it up.

We do make an effort to return items to the correct library; however, we cannot make any guarantees about when or how they will be returned. Depending on the length of time between when it was returned and when we are contacted, the item may no longer be in our possession, at which point we would recommend that you contact the library the item belongs to.    


If you accidentally return a Camarillo Public Library book to another library:  Check with the other library to see if they can set the book aside for you to pick up and bring back to us.

Some libraries will attempt to return our items. Upon receiving them, we mark them as returned based on whatever return date is indicated by the library that initially received them. Overdue fees are valid if an item is returned to us significantly past its original due date because it was returned to the wrong library.

In the event that the item is not returned to us at all, you are still responsible for it as the last borrower.

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