Can I donate materials to the library?


However, we recommend that donations only be done in small quantities at this time. Library staff can accept small donations at the front desk during our hours of operation. 

For larger donations, you will need to go through the Friends of the Library. Their website has days and hours when they can assist you with your donations listed, so please check to make sure that you are dropping them off at a time when someone is there to help you.

Additionally, we may be unable to accept donations if we lack the storage space to keep them. If that is the case, there will be a sign posted on the door at the back of the building to let you know that we cannot take you. We recommend that you call ahead to make sure that there is space to take them, just to be safe.


  • Last Updated May 14, 2021
  • Views 329
  • Answered By Fable Mangold

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  1. Hi! I was curious if you were still taking eyeglasses donations.
    by Colleen on Jan 16, 2022