My account is blocked. What do I do?

There are a few reasons why your account might be blocked, such as: 

  • An address check - this happens every so often so that library staff can verify the information we have on file for you is still correct.
  • An account balance - balances of $5 or more will cause your account to be blocked until the balance has been paid down to below $5.
  • A blocking note - this usually happens when library staff needs to communicate with you, such as when a lost library card has been returned to us, and we were not able to reach you by phone.

In all cases, we can typically resolve it quickly if you contact us. We can provide assistance over the phone during our hours of operation.

We have been in touch with Overdrive, the provider for the majority of our ebooks and eaudiobooks, to have them ignore account blocks during the pandemic. If you experience any block on either Overdrive or Libby, please let us know so we can troubleshoot it for you.


  • Last Updated May 14, 2021
  • Views 143
  • Answered By Fable Mangold

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