When are my items due back?

Items that were checked out prior to our closure on March 14th, 2020, had their due dates extended until August 15th, 2020. However, as we began curbside pickup before then, due dates were not extended again.

Anything checked out after we began curbside pickup and after we reopened to the public has a checkout period of three weeks. This includes DVDs and Blu-rays, which previously had a checkout period of one week; there is a possibility that this checkout period may change back once we resume normal operations.

Anything that was overdue prior to our closure was not automatically renewed. If this is the case with your items, please contact us and we will be glad to assist you. For items that were late due to the pandemic, we are providing a grace period at check-in.


  • Last Updated May 14, 2021
  • Views 129
  • Answered By Fable Mangold

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